Our famous black bacon is marinaded in black porter beer, molasses and natural brown sugar. The sides are then cold smoked for 1-2 days. The period of marinading and the subsequent smoking gives the bacon great flavour and depth.
The Financial Times said...
The choicest British rashers, from beech-smoked to hand-sliced.
Truly stunning bacon, sliced as thick as you like it from an old hand-turned bacon slicer. Try their black bacon, cured in spices and molasses – sweet, tangy and lip-smackingly good. Their Christmas bacon features treacle, ginger, black pepper, nutmeg and star anise.
Thomas' Top Tips
As we dry cure our bacon totally naturally we recommend that you dry fry the bacon i.e. in a non stick pan with no added oil. The bacon will cook very quickly so don’t disappear onto the internet or telephone for 10 minutes!